Bring your blankets out!
Any equine who gets body clipped will need to have their blankets brought to the barn before hand.
We also are soon switching to day turn out, so keep this in mind and allow more time when coming for lessons to get your horse out of the field. For those who are jumping 3’ and higher, remember that to best keep your equine’s legs tight they need to be wrapped with wraps or compression socks following a lesson since they won’t be turned out to walk off lactic acid, edema, and basic filling of their legs.
Capital Challenge and beyond…
I’m super proud of our riders; Kat & Wes Smith, Emily Orrell, and Wynne Weatherly who represented us at the prestigious Capital Challenge Horse show. It is considered by many to be the most competitive horse show in the country since they don’t limit the entries, and attract all the horses who are planning to head to indoors ( Harrisburg, Washington, and the National which used to be New York but has since changed to Kentucky)
Our riders rode well, and our horses were good, despite their limited experience showing indoors. With over 40 in most of the classes- our scores in some of the classes of 80 didn’t even make the cut off for a number of the classes. It was a great wake up call for us to continue to strive to improve… We get lazy with the details when we neglect them and still bring home a blue ribbon. At this particular show none of our riders brought home a blue ribbon… so its back to basics with the details!
We look forward to Harrisburg, PA, Washington DC, and the National Horse Show in Kentucky. Coleman Holland will be joining Wynne and Emily for the USEF Pessoa Equitation Medal, held in Harrisburg, PA. Most, if not all of these shows can be viewed on live feed through USEF or the particular show’s Website connection.
Steve Heinecke Clinic
We were lucky to be able to host at such short notice a clinic with Mr Heinecke who did a great job covering many of the details that we are constantly striving for. Many thanks to Caroline who worked on getting the clinic put together so quickly after the SCEC show was canceled. She took advantage of a teacher work day which offered most of our riders either a full or half day off. We are always working on taking advantage of our opportunities and moving forward!